Aron Hill
Aron Hill currently lives and works in Calgary, Alberta. He graduated from Alberta College of Art and Design in 2000 with a BFA in Interdisciplinary studies. He then completed his MFA at Goldsmiths College, University of London. His work there evolved into installation based projects using traditional drawing and painting methods alongside formal sculptural elements, large format photography and text based work. He has recently been focused on formalist paintings that recall aspects of minimalism and color field paintings though with references to the figure throughout. He finds conceptual company in the late Modernist paintings produced particularly in Canada. The choice of a restricted medium, acrylic ink washes on prepared raw canvas, forces restraint. The work's graphic nature relies on the sheer flatness this medium produces. Aron has exhibited internationally, occasionally lectures, and writes.

Aron Hill
Aron Hill currently lives and works in Calgary, Alberta. He graduated from Alberta College of Art and Design in 2000 with a BFA in Interdisciplinary studies. He then completed his MFA at Goldsmiths College, University of London. His work there evolved into installation based projects using traditional drawing and painting methods alongside formal sculptural elements, large format photography and text based work. He has recently been focused on formalist paintings that recall aspects of minimalism and color field paintings though with references to the figure throughout. He finds conceptual company in the late Modernist paintings produced particularly in Canada. The choice of a restricted medium, acrylic ink washes on prepared raw canvas, forces restraint. The work's graphic nature relies on the sheer flatness this medium produces. Aron has exhibited internationally, occasionally lectures, and writes.

Angela Leach
Angela Leach is a highly regarded, established artist from Toronto where she studied at the Ontario College of Art. Angela has participated in group and solo exhibitions, at the Art Gallery of Ontario, The Power Plant, Contemporary Art Gallery, Vancouver, and the Edmonton Art Gallery. Gordon Hatt, director at the time of the Cambridge Galleries, organized a major exhibition of her work, which traveled nationally to public galleries including the Doris McCarthy Gallery, University of Toronto, Scarborough and Southern Alberta Art Galler. Leach also had two major paintings selected by the curators for the 2005, important international exhibition, Extreme Abstraction, at the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo. Her work is included in many private and public collections including the Art gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Hart House, University of Toronto and the Donovan Collection, University of Toronto and was also included in the book, “Abstract Painting in Canada” by Roald Nasgaard.
1989 Ontario College of Art, AOCA
Solo Exhibitions:
2014 New Paintings, Herringer Kiss Gallery, Calgary, Alberta
2012 Five Small Paintings, Wynick/Tuck Gallery, Toronto, Ontario
2011 Paintings, Herringer Kiss Gallery, Calgary
2010 Abstract Repeat: Shapes and Circles, New Work, Wynick/Tuck Gallery, Toronto
2009 Paintings, Herringer Kiss Gallery, Calgary
2007 Abstract Repeat Series: Wave & Loop, Wynick/Tuck Gallery, Toronto
2005 Shimmy, Doris McCarthy Gallery, Toronto
Skip, Durham Art Gallery, Durham, Ontario
Angela Leach Paintings, Owens Art Gallery, Sackville, New Brunswick
2004 Shimmy, Rodman Hall Arts Centre, St. Catharines, Ontario
New Works, State Gallery, Vancouver, British Columbia
Angela Leach Paintings, Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Lethbridge, Alberta
Abstract Repeat Series - New Paintings, Wynick/Tuck Gallery, Toronto
2003 Shimmy, Cambridge Galleries, Cambridge, Ontario
2001 New Paintings, Wynick/Tuck Gallery, Toronto
1999 Abstract Repeat - New Paintings, Wynick/Tuck Gallery, Toronto
1996 One Work, Mercer Union, Toronto
1995 Long - Thin, Tableau Vivant, Toronto
Group Exhibitions:
2013 Sliding Down the Plane, Benjamin Hettinga and Angela Leach, 330g, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
2011 Systems Check, Thames Art Gallery, Chatham, Ontario
Degrees of Absrtaction II, Wynick/Tuck Gallery, Toronto
Abstract Hues, Herringer Kiss Gallery, Calgary, Alberta
2010 Art for Food, Herringer Kiss Gallery, Calgary
2009 New Work, Wynick/Tuck Gallery, Toronto
2008 Informal Ideas 08: 40_3, Wynick/Tuck Gallery, Toronto
HK Summer 2008 Show, Herringer Kiss Gallery, Calgary, Alberta
Pulse 2: Film and Painting After the Image, Images Festival, Wynick/Tuck Gallery, Toronto
2006 Pulse: Film and Painting After the Image, Mount St. Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia
2005 You Don’t Want To Miss That Shit, Contemporary Painting at the Gladstone, Gladstone Hotel, Toronto
Dimensionality, YYZ Artists’ Outlet, Toronto
The Transformative Power of Art, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto
Extreme Abstraction, Albright-Knox Gallery, Buffalo, New York
Informal Ideas 04:05, (please press landscape),Wynick/Tuck Gallery, Toronto
Illusion, Halde Galerie, Widen, Switzerland
Big Show, 1139 College Street, Toronto
2004 The News at Five, Friday: Painting?; Canadian Art Foundation at the Toronto International Art Fair, Toronto
Representing Abstraction - paintings from the Hart House permanent collection, Justina M.
Barnicke Gallery, Toronto
Summer Showcase No. 1, State Gallery, Vancouver
Vivid, University of Waterloo Art Gallery, Waterloo, Ontario
2003 The Big Abstract Show, The Painting Center, New York, New York
Hard Curves - Soft Points, State Gallery, Vancouver
Technicolour, Edmonton Art Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta
2001 Surprise - 5th Anniversary Exhibition, Archive, Toronto
Duologue - Case Studies, York Quay Gallery, Toronto
2000 Glo - Christmas Exhibition, Archive, Toronto
Informal Ideas: 00.3 (play), Wynick/Tuck Gallery, Toronto
2000 Visual Stimulants, Contemporary Art Gallery, Vancouver
2000 Fresh Paint, Wynick/Tuck Gallery, Toronto
1999 Translinear, McMaster Museum of Art, Hamilton, Ontario
4 days at the white house: Face Forward, 11 Jersey Avenue, Toronto
Informal Ideas 99.1, Wynick/Tuck Gallery, Toronto
Toronto Under 40, Art Gallery of Ontario, Art Rental and Sales, Toronto
1998 Layers, Wynick/Tuck Gallery, Toronto
Cross-Eyed, 60 Bathurst Street, Toronto
Informal Ideas 98.2, Wynick/Tuck Gallery, Toronto
1997 Figuratively Speaking, Wave, Toronto
Toronto Abstract Painting, James Allen Fine Art, Toronto
Rococo Tattoo: The Ornamental Impulse in Toronto Art, The Power Plant, Toronto
c. 1997, 371 Wallace Avenue, Toronto
The Sex Show, 689 King Street West, Toronto
1996 Informal Ideas 96.5 (Moving Planes), Wynick/Tuck Gallery, Toronto
Perspective 96, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto
Fast, Painting Disorders Collective, 520 King Street West, Toronto
c.1996, 525 King Street West, Toronto
1995 Surface Matters, Painting Disorders Collective, 425 Adelaide Street West, Toronto
1994 Painting Disorders, 455 King Street West, Toronto
1993 You Are Here, Southside Gallery, Brooklyn, New York
1992 Diverse City, 1400 Dupont Street, Toronto
Grants and Awards:
2011 Ontario Arts Council, Visual Arts Grant, Established
2006 Ontario Arts Council, Visual Arts Grant, Mid-Career
2005 Toronto Arts Council, Visual Arts Grant, Mid-Career
2000 Arts Toronto 2000 Protégé Honours, selected by 1999 Toronto Arts Award Recipient, Robert Fones
1995 Ontario Arts Council, Visual Arts Grant, Emerging
1989 W. O. Forsythe Scholarship for Proficiency in Painting, Ontario College of Art
Exhibition Catalogues and Book Works:
2012 Loius Grachos, Extreme Abstraction Revisited, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York
2011 Jordan Broadworth, Systems Check exhibition folio, Thames Gallery, Chatham, Ontario
2008 Jane Urquhart and Clint Roenisch, Carte Blanche, Volume 2: Painting, Magenta Foundation, Toronto
2007 Roald Nasgaard, Abstract Painting in Canada, Douglas & McIntyre Ltd., Vancouver, British Columbia and Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Halifax, Nova Scotia
2005 Claire Schneider and Louis Grachos, Extreme Abstraction, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York
Emily Falvey and Gordon Hatt, Angela Leach Paintings, Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Lethbridge, Alberta
2004 Carol Podedworny and Virginia M. Eichhorn, Vivid, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario
Sarah Stanners, Representing Abstraction - paintings from the Hart House permanent
collection exhibition folio, Justina M. Barnicke Gallery at Hart House, University of Toronto, Toronto
2000 Keith Wallace, Visual Stimulants, Contemporary Art Gallery, Vancouver, British Columbia
1999 Ihor Holubizky, Joseph R. Wolin, David Moos, Translinear, McMaster Museum of Art, Hamilton, Ontario
1997 Philip Monk, Rococo Tattoo: The Ornamental Impulse in Toronto Art, The Power Plant, Toronto
1996 Jessica Bradley, Perspective 96, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto
2011 Patrick Howlett, “Systems Check at the Thames Gallery,” Akimbo Akimblog (August 2)
2010 Carol-Ann Ryan, “Angela Leach: Abstract Repeat," Magenta Magazine (Spring, Vol. 1, No.3)
Rhonda Olsen, “Angela Leach @Wynick/Tuck Gallery,” Flight + Hotel (February 13)
2009 Stephen Yee, "november.2009," Subiconic (November 5)
2009 Athena Paradissis, “Checkout Angela Leach,” Checkout Art (October 24)
Adam McDowell, “Post Toronto: A T.O. Z, A is for Art,” The National Post (January 3)
2008 Amy Verner, “Globe Life Style: g is for geometrics gone wild...,” The Globe and Mail (March 29)
Betty Ann Jordan, “Artist File: Angela Leach,” Canadian House & Home (April)
2005 Julia Dault, “Avenue at the Galleries,” National Post (October 6)
Gary Michael Dault, “Journey through the Wall and Back Again,” The Globe and Mail (Sept. 17)
R M Vaughan, “Big Picture - op-art redux,” National Post, (September 17)
Meghan Groth, “Why paint by numbers?,” The Spectrum, University at Buffalo (August 31)
Susanna Vanek, “Logik und Intersität der Farben,” Freiamt Aargauer Zeitung (June 2)
Matthew Van Dongen, “It’s art that can make you sick,” St. Catharines Standard (December 30)
2004 Corinna Ghaznavi, “Rewind,” Canadian Art (Summer)
Peter Godard, “Galleries awash in winter abstractions,” Toronto Star (February 26)
Betty Ann Jordan, “February at a Glance,” Toronto Life (February)
Adam McDowell, “Toronto artist is turning heads,” Toronto Observer (February 26)
2003 Gilbert Bouchard, “New techniques yield new art,” Edmonton Journal (March 28)
Julia Dault, “Illusions to caress the eyes,” National Post (October 23)
2001 Deirdre Hanna, “Leach’s Lines,” Now Magazine (May 17)
Joanne Huffa, “Arts: Best Bet,” Eye (May 17)
2000 Elee Kraljii Gardiner, “Editor’s Choice,” Vancouver Magazine (September)
1999 Gary Michael Dault, “Gallery Going,” The Globe and Mail (September 4)
Betty Ann Jordan, “Adventures in Art,” Where Toronto (September)
1998 Deirdre Hanna, “Essence of teamwork captured in Cross-eyed,” Now Magazine (May 21)
Phil Anderson, “What’s Inside,” Artery, (Winter)
Deirdre Hanna, “Scanning 98 - Art,” Now Magazine, (January 1)
1997 Gillian MacKay, “Toronto Abstract Painters at James Allen,” Globe & Mail (September 13)
John Armstrong, “Disorderly Conduit,” Border Crossings (Volume 16, #2)
John Bentley Mays, “Unnatural art beats tattoo on the soul,” The Globe and Mail (July 12)
Catherine Osborne, “Perspective 96,” Parachute (#87)
Christopher Hume, “A human urge to embellish,” Toronto Star (July 10)
1996 Nathalie-Roze Fischer, “Painters give off mixed signals,” Now Magazine (December 5)
Blake Gopnik, “Young Painters Look Backward,” The Globe and Mail (November 23)
Pat Fleisher, “’C. 1996’ & the Collective Concept,” Artfocus (Aug/Sept)
Christopher Hume,” New breed of talent lighter than a bar code,” Toronto Star (November 23)
Christopher Hume, “Art by numbers,” Toronto Star (May 23)
Nathalie-Roze Fischer, “Old lions and young cubs unite,“ Now Magazine (May 30)
Deirdre Hanna, “Highly Recommended,” Now Magazine (January 25)
1995 John Bentley Mays, “Young Painters Prove,” Globe & Mail (November 4)
Betty Ann Jordan, “Dead Industry/Painting Disorders/Posse,” Canadian Art (Spring)
Anthony Arnold, “Le flaneur’s diary,” Artword (Winter)
1994 Oliver Girling, “Art: The Big Picture,” Eye Weekly (November 24)
1992 Kate Taylor, “Art About,” Globe & Mail (October 9)
Selected Collections:
Art Gallery of Ontario
University of Toronto, Hart House
Donovan Collection
University of Toronto at Scarborough
Astra Zeneca
Encana Corporation
Cenovus Energy
The University of Calgary